

I just went to the country for the first time.

We left the city and drove a long ways and parked in the woods.

We got out and Dad and Mom led us down a path marked Nature Trail.

There is a tree outside our house in the city, by the sidewalk. Here it was all trees. No houses.

We walked a long way and saw birds and a pond with ducks and had a picnic.

I wasn’t sure what all I saw. Later I needed books to explain it to me.

for Rochelle Wisoff Fields Addicted Friday Fictioneers

9 Responses

  1. Liked the tone of the voice in this!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  2. Nature has come to seem unnatural, maybe even frightening. A thought-provoking piece

  3. Dear Joe,

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. It’s nice that the MC turned to books to explain things. Still nothing beats seeing nature in person. Nicely done.



  4. Something like that could be good to give people perspective on life.

  5. What did you see that needed explaining?

  6. The reality of life anywhere but where you grow up can be hard to understand, especially if you grew up in a busy city and are plopped out in the woods. This piece was very real for me.

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