
cracked cakes of dried mud
brown plain stretched to the skyline
a worthless puzzle

breeze riffles water
blue plain innocent of land
town below forgot

for dVerse Meet the Bar


clouds build till sheared off
the plains pensive in moist heat
i wait for the storm

for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge


spotted hyenas
live in the desert wasteland
and eat dessert first

for Weekend Challenge


my life, uphill there and back

for Six Word Story Prompt

roaming for pleasure

which animals gallivant?
this one? no, it stotts when i scare it.
this one? no, it hops into a hole.
this one in shorts, with skinny legs,
watching birds through its binoculars,
water bottle on its hip, chewing juicy fruit?
no. it scampers at my roar.

for Weekend Writing Prompt Challenge


does it gallivant
this creature on the game trail
skinny legs so bare

for Weekly Writing Prompt


two fawns in the woods
step into the clearing light
our moms were young once

for The Sunday Muse


the human weight on
this worn planet warns us all
not to wait or else

for Saturday Mix