current status

in deep cover.
not knee-deep,
in too deep.
took a deep dive
off the deep end.
now they’ll deep-six me
in the deep blue sea,
deep in the weeds – the seaweeds.

i’m not a deep thinker but
still waters run deep and
digging deep,
deep down,
i expected this.

my beauty is not just skin deep.
i have a deep knowledge of my job,
my loyalty runs deep.
but my past, once a deep, dark secret,
is now known to all, not just on deep background,
the facts discovered courtesy of my employer’s
deep pockets.

let me take a deep breath.
spare me your deepest sympathy.
my obit will be shallow.

for Stream of Consciousness Saturday

3 Responses

  1. Nicely done! 🙂

  2. Clever post. I would never have thought about all those deep associations!

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