
maladroit animals
how many can we think of
i can think of one

haiku for Enchanted Garden with Real Toads


perfect day by pond
glorious warmth thriving life
the heat keeps rising

for Write Now

fasting and meditation

I entered the Somalian Guban on foot, to meditate and fast, after waiting a month for the arrival of the seasonal rains, which fill the sandy watercourses that cross the landscape.

On my fourth day in the heat, I saw before me in the layered air, a man or a mirage. I came closer. He shimmered, black as coal. I had to fight an urge to back away. Or to embrace him.

I do not speak Benaadir. He did not speak Arabic, Bantu Swahili, or English. We walked together and shared our thoughts. On the seventh day, I was alone again.

for 50 Word Thursday